Webinar “Strengthening Blue Swimming Crab Trade in Indonesia”
by adminapri September 2, 2022 0 commentsTuesday, August 30, 2022. The activity, which was held by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University, presented several resource persons, namely Mrs. Ir. Artati Widiarti, M.A, Dr. Ir. Zairion, M.Sc, Ir. Kuncoro Catur Nugroho M.M, Prof. Dra. Indah Susilowati, M.Sc., Ph.D, and Wita Setioko, STP., M.M.
Mr. Ir. Kuncoro Catur Nughroho has presented several challenges, hopes and solutions in this webinar. This activity is also related to the blue economy strategy in crab fisheries.
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