WEBINAR : 3RD APRI YOUTH INNOVATION – Mapping of Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Ecosystem
by adminapri March 15, 2021 0 commentsThis event aims to present research results from APRI Youth Innovation which have been implemented in 2020. The research results presentation was held at 09.00 WIB through a virtual Zoom Meeting and was attended by 74 participants. Some of the agendas at this event are:
- Presentation of research results
- Comments from each Academic Adviser
- Announcement of the top three teams
Mr Ir. Kuncoro Catur Nugroho as Chairman in APRI give an appreciate of the participation research in the third APRI Youth activity. This activity has been carried out since 2018 by selecting students from all universities in Indonesia and funded by 10 research proposals in the first year. In 2019, there were 6 research proposals that were funded. In 2020, there were 5 selected research proposals from 2 Brawijaya University teams, 2 teams from Trunojoyo Madura University and 1 team from the Bogor Agricultural Institute. The collaboration between ABG or Academics, Businessman, and Government who attended the event this morning is a symbol of cooperation that needs to work together in managing fisheries resources.
Marine and Fisheries Government of the East Java also support this research and requesting research results from researchers to be used as the basis for policies in the East Java region so that it is hoped that small crab fisheries can be considered from upstream to downstream.
Dr Hawis Madduppa as an Executive Director APRI explained about APRI Youth Innovation is a step for millennials with idealism, knowledge and high enthusiasm to contribute to the world of fisheries. There are 28 indicators that need to be adhered to by the fishing industry, currently APRI continues to develop these indicators with a program that has been held since 2014. At this time the status of FIP Progress has reached an A rating, which means that fishery activities carried out have been able to maintain and improve conditions. . The status is issued by MSC which is ecolabel. The areas that are the focus are WPP 712 and one of them is Madura, which is the area with the highest contribution of small crabs in the East Java region.
5 Teams from 3 universities around Indonesia as a presenter explained about they research and this is the research about five teams
1. Spatial Distribution of Coral Reef Health in Mandangin Island Waters, East Java (Irsyal Ardiansah – IPB University)
- Condition of Crab and Seagrass Ecosystem in Poteran Island Waters, Madura (Rifadillah Hisamuddin – Universitas Trunojoyo Madura)
- Mapping of Mangroves Using Landsat 8 Satellite Imagery for Sustainable Management of Crab in Bangkalan Waters (Nova Dewi Safitri Syam’s – Brawijaya University)
- The Effect of Mangrove Environment Conditions on the Growth Rate of Juvenile Crab (Portunus pelagicus) at Polagan Beach, Madura (Riqki Yoga Aprilianto – Brawijaya University)
- Identification and Monitoring (Limulidae) Result of Bycatch Nets Crab in the Madura Strait (Pahad Maulana – Universitas Trunojoyo)
The last session we announced the 3 best teams, the assessment was based on Video documentation, Scientific Posters, Presentations for each group, and the contents of the report
- Spatial Distribution of Coral Reef Health in Mandangin Island Waters, East Java (Irsyal Ardiansah – IPB University) with Beginer Subhan, S.Pi., M.Si. as a academic adviser
- Identification and Monitoring (Limulidae) Result of Bycatch Nets Crab in the Madura Strait (Pahad Maulana – Universitas Trunojoyo) with Eka Nurrahema Ning Asih, S.Kel.,M.Si as a academic adviser
- The Effect of Mangrove Environment Conditions on the Growth Rate of Juvenile Crab (Portunus pelagicus) at Polagan Beach, Madura (Riqki Yoga Aprilianto – Brawijaya University) with Dhira Kurniawan Saputra, S.Kel., M.Sc. as academic adviser
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