This VTS-related cooperation program (Vessel Tracking System) has been implemented since 2019 between APRI and PANRITA. A tool that can be used to monitor fishermen is called “TREKFish”, over time technology development is also updated through modifications to this TREKFish tool so that it is easier to apply and use by small scale fishermen.
7-8 October 2021, the installation of VTS “TREKFish” activities with PANRITA have been carried out in Pamekasan, Pangkep and Rembang. This installation activity aims to fulfill data collection related to restocking system development. Fishermen with boats equipped with VTS will be able to know where fishermen catch crabs. The installation of this VTS was carried out by PANRITA as the technology maker of this tool. This VTS has also undergone the latest modification to make it easier for fishermen and users in tracking applications, APRI has provided 15 “TREKFish” VTS devices in each area.
This technology can help fishermen to see their track record, such as where they go, where they catch, and the size of the fish. He gave an example, in the area they catch a lot of fish, often gathering at certain times. Suparman, one of the fishermen using VTS TREKFish, also revealed that the existence of this technology and the presence of APRI were enough to help small crab fishermen. This tool is not only able to provide information related to the travel data of fishermen catching crabs, it can also be used as a history of traps that have been stocked and lost.
The three areas that received TREKFish by APRI will later be monitored and collected data in fulfillment of the Fishery Improvement Project indicators. APRI Co-Management and APRI Enumerators will be ready to help use this VTS. This VTS installation program is also a realization of OSF (Ocean Stewardship Council) funding to APRI, with this collaboration it is hoped that Indonesian crab fisheries can prosper and of course create a sustainable blue swimming crab fishery.
The installation activity in Rembang was attended by DKP Rembang and Fisheries Instructor and APRI Enumerators in Gedongmulyo, the following day the installation in Pagagan Village, Pamekasan was attended by Capit Biru Fishermen and UPI owners, Researcher from Master Science of IPB University, CO-Management and APRI Enumerators after that the installation was carried out in Pangkep with fishermen local and accompanied by APRI Enumerators. Technically this VTS will send data every hour in the form of GPS with a cellphone signal and take advantage of solar panel technology in charging
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