Training on handling Bycatch and ETP Species for Blue Swimming Crab Fishermen with WWF Indonesia
by adminapri December 14, 2024 0 comments11-12 December 2024. APRI together with WWF Indonesia collaborated to carry out training and assessment for crab fishermen in Pamekasan. This training was attended by several groups of fishermen from Pamekasan starting from the villages of Pagagan, Candi and Branta Tinggi.
This activity was also attended by Mrs. Ardiani Mariasari, S.Pi. M.Si from the Agency of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of East Java and Head of Fisheries Resources Capture Fisheries Departement of Pamekasan. BPSPL Denpasar Surabaya Work Unit to provide remarks and materials.
This training activity was opened directly by Mrs. Ardiani Mariasari, S.Pi. M.Si and continued with the presentation of protected fish species by Mr. Suwardi. ST. M.Si from BPSPL Denpasar and training by WWF Indonesia. On the second day, assessment activities were carried out based on the results of interviews conducted by WWF Indonesia with fishermen.
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