Annual Traditional Events in Pati: Fishermen’s hope Catch Increase
by adminapri March 15, 2022 0 commentsThe island of Java is known for its Javanese customs which are still thick in the community. Many traditional activities are carried out on the people of the island of Java from the east to the west, including sea alms/ a tradition of gratitude for God’s blessings in the form of sustenance of salvation offerings. This traditional event is usually carried out by fishing villages or communities on the north coast of the island of Java. This custom is carried out once a year on certain days which are believed to be sacred days in certain communities.
This traditional ceremony is carried out by making offerings in the form of a goat’s head, then offerings or taken to the sea accompanied by gamelan music and followed by several fishermen by boat to the middle of the sea in the village area. Whereat the point of disposal of the offerings, it is believed that there are invisible creatures as guardians of the sea in the village. Arriving at the location of the disposal of the offerings, a joint prayer is carried out led by the traditional leader, after that the offerings are lowered from the boat and placed at a predetermined point. Then proceed with the event of watering the boat with seawater which is in the offering area.
The watering is believed so that the boat used for fishing can be safe from danger while at sea and can provide abundant fish or crab catches. After all the traditional ceremonies were finished, the fishermen who accompanied the offerings ceremony immediately left the location and returned to the boat berths.
Writer by : Kamal-Pati
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