Tag "sustainable"
Rembang : Floating Crab Apartment building by Fisherman and CO-Management APRI
This activity was held on Friday, January 23, 2023 with APRI Co-Management, APRI Enumerators, local Fisheries Extension, and APRI assisted Fishermen APRI through APRI Co-Management and Enumerator, Kamal M. Together with local fishermen and fisheries extension officers laid out floating
Read MoreTechnical Discussion APRI, Politeknik KP Sidoarjo, and BBPBAP Jepara about Blue Swimming Crab
Tuesday, October 4, 2022. APRI accompanied by representatives of the Sidoarjo KP Polytechnic visited BBPBAP Jepara regarding technical discussions for the Indonesian crab fishery improvement program This activity was well received by Mr. Eddy Nurcahyono, S.Pi and Mr. Agus Setiadi,
Read MoreMeeting of Fisheries Management Institutions for Fisheries Management Areas of the Republic of Indonesia (MMFA) 714
18-20 August 2022. APRI through Mr. Ir. Bambang Arif Nugraha via online and Muh. APRI enumerator Wellis directly attended the meeting which was held through the Kendari Ocean Fishery Port as the executive coordinator of WPPNRI 714 along with all
Read MoreMSC Appreciates APRI as FIP Implementer
Tuesday, June 7, 2022. APRI attended an invited event from MSC Indonesia. In this activity, MSC gave appreciation in the form of an award plaque by Mr. Patrick Cleo as Regional Director of Asia Pacific MSC to Mr. Wita Setioko
Read MoreAPRI Participates in Pokja 2 Meeting (Committee on Sustainable Management of Blue Swimming Crab) KPPRB Lampung
Pokja 2 is part of the Lampung KPPRB in accordance with the governor’s decree and the DKP’s SK for the collection of biological and socio-economic data analysis of crab fisheries. The purpose of carrying out this activity is to update
Read MoreA New Step Towards Sustainable Indonesian Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries – APRI gets Ocean Stewardship Fund from MSC
Dr. Hawis Madduppa, Lecturer at the Department of Marine Science & Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences IPB University, as well as the Executive Director of the Indonesian Rajungan Management Association (APRI) received a funding from the Marine Stewardship
Read MoreFisherman of Madura get Published on NRC Dutch Newspaper and Selected to Singapore ECOFILM Festival 2020
APRI as the Indonesian Association of Blue Swimming Crab highly appreciates the fisherman in Pamekasan, Madura who are selected as an good fishermen for sustainable crab management based on the MSC ecolabel standard. The NRC Dutch Newspaper was published that
Read Moreworkshop on socialization of sustainable BSC fisheries management program
In order to strengthen the management of BSC fisheries as proclaimed in the Demak Regent No. 523/0166/2014, Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Demak district held a Workshop on Socialization of Sustainable BSC Fisheries Management Program. This activity is a collaboration with
Read MoreFocus Group Discussion Socialization and Certification of Quality Standards Product in Southeast Sulawesi Miniplant
In order to improve the guidance on the supply chain of blue swimming crab products to meet compliance with traceability requirements, the Southeast Sulawesi Marine and Fishery Agency in cooperation with Indonesian Blue Swimming Crab Association held an event Focus Group Discussion
Read MoreAPRI Quarterly Meeting 2, Yogyakarta 5 August 2017
Indonesian Blue Swimming Crab Association (APRI) was held 2nd Quarterly Meeting 2017 in Yogyakarta on 5 August 2017. APRI boards such as Kuncoro Catur Nugroho (APRI’s Chairman), Dr. Hawis Madduppa (APRI’s Excecutive Director), Wita Setioko (APRI’s Treasurer) and Bambang Arif Nugraha
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