Tag "MSC"
Sustainable Fisheries Management Synergy Meeting at Directorate of Capture Fisheries – MMAF
Jakarta, 6 February 2025. APRI attended activities carried out by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries through the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries related to sustainable fisheries synergy which was attended by several associations and NGOs and partners. This
Read MoreNational FIP Meeting 2023 in Jakarta
Tuesday, 13 June 2023, APRI as the FIP implementer in the crab fishery was also present at the National FIP meeting in 2023 which was organized by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia and
Read MoreRoundtable Discussion on Sustainable Seafood Product in Domestic Market by MMAF and MSC
Friday, June 9 2023. APRI also attended the “Roundtable Discussion on Sustainable Seafood Product in Domestic Market” organized by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Indonesia. This activity is discussion about sustainable product in domestic market with inviting all stakeholder who
Read MoreRisk Based Framework Training by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
11-17 May 2023. APRI participated in the Risk Based Framework training activities conducted by the Marine Stewardship Council. This training was attended by several stakeholders. APRI had the opportunity to take part in this activity. This training activity took place
Read MoreAPRI attends methods evaluation and risk assessment (MERA) technical guidance by MSC
Through Dr. Ayu Ervinia as Research and Executive and Director to attend technical guidance on methods evaluation and risk assessment (MERA) organized by MSC Indonesia at the Aryaduta hotel Jakarta, 14-17 March 2023
Read MoreMeeting Discussion Fisheries Improvement Program in East Java with MSC-APRI-DKP East Java
Wednesday, January 25 2023 a meeting and coordination regarding the fisheries improvement program / FIP was held by the East Java Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service together with the Indonesian Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and APRI. This activity is a
Read MoreMSC Appreciates APRI as FIP Implementer
Tuesday, June 7, 2022. APRI attended an invited event from MSC Indonesia. In this activity, MSC gave appreciation in the form of an award plaque by Mr. Patrick Cleo as Regional Director of Asia Pacific MSC to Mr. Wita Setioko
Read MoreMSC MONEV: APRI As Partners For Implementing MSC Indonesia
For two days APRI participated in the MonEv MSC Indonesia activities from the MMAF and the TPOA Team. The activity began with a meeting with fisheries management stakeholders at the East Java Marine and Fisheries Service. This activity is to
Read MoreAPRI-MSC-East Java Marine and Fisheries Bureau (DKP) collaboration for sustainable crab fisheries in East Java
The potential for crab fisheries which is the leading export commodity in the third position makes crab a source of Indonesia’s economic strength, East Java is one of the provinces with the highest exports for this crab commodity. The potential
Read MoreAPRI End-Year Meeting (Q4) – Sustainable stock create sustainable Industry
APRI Q4 End-Year Meeting, held on December 19, 2021, this is a routine quarterly activity which was attended by all APRI members, staff, APRI Enumerators, and 2 observers from PT. Jala Crab International and PT. Java Kayana Segara. This activity
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