For two days APRI participated in the MonEv MSC Indonesia activities from the MMAF and the TPOA Team. The activity began with a meeting with fisheries management stakeholders at the East Java Marine and Fisheries Service. This activity is to assesses the benefits of cooperation for related stakeholders.
Wednesday, February 9, 2022. Located at the Nautica Building, East Java Marine and Fisheries Service, the MSC MONEV activities with the TPOA and MMAF teams were carried out. Message from the Head of the Department of Fisheries and Marine Affairs of East Java Province, Mrs. Dr. Ir. Dyah Wahyu Ermawati, MA. which describes the forms of support for sustainable fisheries. East Java has a fairly high fishery potential with quite a lot of fishery industry in East Java.
Dr. Hawis Madduppa as Executive Director of APRI had the opportunity to explain APRI’s program activities with MSC through the funding of “Fish for Good, Community Fisheries Stewardship, Ocean Stewardship Fund”. The Ocean Stewardship Fund will give us an opportunity to keep progressing the sustainability of the blue swimming crab fishery. Regarding the funding program provided to APRI.
This support from the East Java Provincial Office is a form of the East Java province’s commitment to maintaining the potential of fishery wealth in Indonesia, especially since East Java has three fishery commodities to become the number one producer of shrimp, tuna and skipjack, blue swimming crabs or crabs.
Thursday, February 10, 2022, the activity continued to the location of the unit of assessment to MSC certified which is located in Pamekasan, Madura. The activity there was welcomed by the Head of the Pamekasan Fisheries and Marine Service, Ir. Bambang Prayogi, MM. said that “fishers in Pamekasan, especially in the Padelegan area, are small crab fishermen who already understand sustainable fishing. We also provide assistance in the form of environmentally friendly fishing gear and the inclusion of APRI which helps guide fishermen in Pamekasan has quite an impact on our fishermen’s”
The TPOA and MMAF teams also had the opportunity to meet KUB Berkah Capit Biru fishermen at the Village Hall, they also had the opportunity to convey their understanding of sustainable fisheries, they also said that from crabs they can support their families. “Since APRI came here, we have begun to understand not to catch small crabs or lay eggs. For us, traps are very important. Catching using environmentally friendly fishing gear can make the crabs here continue to exist,” said Suparman briefly as head of KUB Berkah Capit Biru.
Mr. Hirmen Shofyanto as Director of MSC Indonesia explained that seafood provides more than half of the community’s animal protein intake, to meet market demand that continues to increase sustainable management will be able to support the economy in Indonesia.
The TPOA and MMAF teams also had the opportunity to go to the crab apartment there, they also saw firsthand how this crab that was accidentally caught released its eggs. In addition, the Capit Biru Fisherman Shop was also a concern of the TPOA and MMAF teams, they also explained that having a fishing group and then having a cooperative or fishing shop can make these fishermen have alternative income, and with this group of fishermen, they can stand independently. The activity closed with a visit to the Jumiang Indah Mini plant to see the processing of the crabs
Editor : Dckydarmawan20
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