Focus Group Discussion Socialization and Certification of Quality Standards Product in Miniplant at Madura
by adminapri October 9, 2017 0 commentsIn order to improve the guidance on the supply chain of blue swimming crab products to meet compliance with traceability requirements, the Pamekasan Madura Fishery Department in cooperation with Indonesian Blue Swimming Crab Association (APRI) held an event Focus Group Discussion Socialization and Certification of Quality Standards Product in Miniplant. This event was held on 14 September 2017 at Pamekasan Fishery Department Hall. The participant of this event incuded from miniplant around 4 regency in Madura (Pamekasan Regency, Sampang Regency, Sumenep Regency, and Bangkalan Regency). Other than that also present BSC stakeholder, and several representative from Pamekasan Fisheries Agency. This event was opened by Mrs. Nurul Widiastuti as head of Pamekasan Fishery Department. “As we know that BSC is one of the important export commodities after shrimp and tuna. the quality of the product must be important, besides traceability is also a consideration that needs to be done because the related origin of the product obtained. With this activity is expected the participants can discuss well so that the purpose of this activity can be achieved.” says Nurul.
On this event, also invited speaker such as Yiyik Windah from Field Processing and Marketing of Marine and Fishery Products (P3KP) Surabaya Marine and Fisheries Department and also Ferri Tahta Rohmin from Surabaya Fish Quarantine and Department Inspection (BKIPM). Mr. Ferri present about Good way of fish handling (CPIB) and Mrs. Yiyik present about Certification of processing feasibility (SKP) and also socialize about Ministry Regulation number 72 to the participant. The traceability and documentation process under Control Document need to be implemented by all of the segments of the supply chain (started from collectors/cooking stations, miniplants and processors) in order to promote compliance to the new regulations and generate the records and documents of the supply chain application and verification of the new regulations. Special attention needs to be focused on the picking plants (miniplants) where the cooked crab is transformed into crab meat making not possible to verify the minimum landing size (MLS) and egg berried female (EBF) afterwards.
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