End Year Meeting Indonesia Blue Swimming Crab Association (Q4) and Blue Swimming Crab National Conference
by adminapri December 14, 2024 0 commentsSaturday, December 7 2024. APRI has carried out routine activities every quarter and 2024 will be the final year of management for the APRI chairman for the 2023-2024 period.
This activity also had the opportunity to be shown via zoom by Mr. Prof. Ir. Indra Jaya, M.Sc as Chair of Komnaskajiskan. Another routine activity is the presentation of FIP and APRI Activities by Dr. Ayu Ervinia as Research and Executive Director of APRI and continued with the APRI National Conference (MUNAS) activities.
The APRI National Conference activities were moderated by Mr. Ir. Bambang Arif Nugraha, MBA in forming the formation team until the appointed chairman for the next period. Representatives of the formation team in this MUNAS activity are from PT. Bumi Menara Internusa (BMI), PT Muria Bahari Indonesia (MBI), and PT. Fresh Seafood Just in Time (FOTS).
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