DMC approve BSC fishery workplan in Kendari

DMC approve BSC fishery workplan in Kendari

by March 7, 2015 0 comments

The Data Management Committee (DMC) Kendari was held at the Agency for Fisheries and Marine Affairs (DKP) Southeast Sulawesi Province on 6 March 2015. The meeting was attended by DMC members including industry and local government. The progress of the fishery in SE Sulawesi up to now is the SPR assessment for Kendari Fishery is completed. The last DMC meeting in November 2014, DKP Kendari accepted minimum size regulations and SPR target/limit reference points that will be a focal point of fishery management planning; other harvest control rules include trap modifications, nursery no-fishing areas, and reduced effort during peak spawning seasons. In addition, IMACS had sponsored an MSC gap analysis (SAI), and will look to further sponsor a work plan with the DMC in 2015-2016. The future plan in Kendari is Fishery will look to pilot ASEAN FIP Protocol model to demonstrate improvements toward MSC Criteria’s with the added inclusion of traceability and social benchmarks. The work plan for the fishery in the SE Sulawesi was discussed and accepted by participant. The nearest plan is to set up a task force to sosialize the ministry decree on BSC harvest control rules and fishing gears, by collaborating with students from Haluoleo University.

The meeting documentation please follow this link: DMC Meeting March 2015

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