Friday, July 1, 2022. The Directorate General of Strengthening the Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery Products holds a coordination meeting with business actors who are members of APRI and all Marine Services in the East Java Region.
Ir. Artati Widiarti, Director General of Strengthening the Competitiveness of Fisheries and Marine Products, discusses with crab business actors and the East Java Marine and Fisheries Bureau in responding to conditions related to the challenges, hopes and opportunities of crab fishery products. Located in East Java DKP Building, Surabaya. Mr. Ir. Kuncoro Catur Nugroho M.M as the Head of APRI explained the conditions, hopes, and challenges of the crab fishery in global competition.
The results of this discussion also produce long-term and short-term solutions in an effort to strengthen the competitiveness of crab fishery products.
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