Discussion of the Progress of Vessel Tracking System (VTS) TREKFish, Bogor, September 19, 2019
On the August 20-21, 2019, APRI has been installed the Vessel Tracking System (VTS) TREKFish on the several fishermen boats in Rembang and Pamekasan. TREKFish that was installed, directly working and recording after the installations. To follow up the results
Read MoreCirebon and Indramayu Visit, September 11-13, 2019
West Java Province through the Head of the Agency of marine Affairs and Fisheries Decree No. 415/Kep.800/DKP form a management team for blue swimming crab fisheries namely the Sustainable Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Management Preparation Team. This team involving various
Read MoreMuara Gembong Scoping Visit, Bekasi, August 28, 2019
The management of blue swimming crab need to be done together with every stakeholders. To realizing the action for managing the blue swimming crab fisheries that including all of stakeholders, it is need to form a team that able to
Read MoreVessel Tracking System (VTS) Installations in Rembang and Pamekasan, August 20-21, 2019
APRI always try to develop the management of blue swimming crab fisheries in Indonesia. Since the established of APRI, APRI started the Fisheries Improvement Program (FIP) which is continue to run until now. Through the FIP, APRI has been develop
Read MoreRisk-Based Framework Assessment Workshop, Surabaya, July 9-10, 2019
One of the efforts to encourage sustainability is through a market incentive approach through product sustainability certification. Fisheries certification standards, for example the MSC Fisheries Standard, generally focus heavily on quantitative data that can be a barrier to fisheries that
Read MoreCo-Management Socialization in Southeast Sulawesi Province, Kendari, July 12, 2019
Blue swimming crab fisheries management need to be done collaboratively between every stakeholders, includes the government, association, industry, universities, etc. Role of every stakeholders is needed to make an integrated management. Background differences from the every stakeholders can make management
Read MoreEnumerator Training in Central Java Province, Semarang, July 9, 2019
APRI try to always realize the sustainability of blue swimming crab fisheries through various program that compiled as Fisheries Improvement Program (FIP). APRI FIP itself beginning from the 2007 and has undergone various developments. In the implementation of the FIP,
Read MoreFGD on Achievement of Sustainable Fisheries, Bogor, July 5, 2019
Sustainable fisheries from day to day being the one of things that often to be discussed in every activity. This proved that the awareness of sustainable fisheries is increase. Sustainability is one of the reasons of the establishment of APRI
Read MoreSocialization of Fish Resources Management in Gedong Mulyo Village, Rembang, June 27, 2019
Socialization of fish resource management in the assisted village by the Agency of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Central Java in Gedong Mulyo Village, Lasem, Rembang, Thursday, June 27, 2019. This activity includes a preliminary meeting in the the Agency
Read MoreWest Java Site Scoping Preparation, Bandung, June 24, 2019
Blue swimming crab management done in various area in Indonesia, include West Java Province. West Java Province has several area which are have blue swimming crab resources. Co-management program in the management of blue swimming crab in West Java Province
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