“CAPIT BIRU” an Efforts to Help Fisherman in Pandemic
Asosisasi Pengelolaan Rajungan Indonesia as APRI supported by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) trying to help fishermen through the Community Fisheries Stewardship project, since July 2020. Dr Hawis Madduppa, who is also the Executive Director of APRI, explained that the Community
Read MoreDeveloping a sustainable fishing community, APRI and MSC Indonesia hold online FGDs, Pamekasan, July 10, 2020
Asosiasi Pengelolaan Rajungan Indonesia (APRI) together with Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) works together to help the small fishing community with a program called “Community Fisheries Stewardship”. The program was initiated to foster groups of fishermen by participating in exploring local
Read MoreWorkshop on Length Based Spawning Potential Ratio (LBSPR) for Small-Scale Crab Fishery Data in Bogor, 16-17 December 2019
APRI held a Workshop on Length Based Spawning Potential Ratio (LBSPR) for small-scale crab fishery data. The workshop material was given directly by Prof. Jeremy Prince (Biospheric, Australia), expert who developed LBSPR. Prof. Jeremy Prince introduced and trained participants on
Read More4th Asian FIP Managers Summit in Singapore, 2-3 December 2019
Dr Hawis Madduppa, Executive Director of APRI, attended the 2019 4th Asian FIP Managers Summit in Singapore, 2-3 December 2019. Dr Hawis Madduppa presented the development of the Blue Swimming Crab FIP in Indonesia and progress of the implementation of
Read MoreTREKFish Users Joint Discussion, Bogor, November 19, 2019
TREKfish is an IPB University innovation which is a tool for tracking fish catches to support sustainable management of Indonesian blue swimming crab fisheries. TREKFish was used by several fisheries organizations in Indonesia that used it in order to support
Read MoreMSC Assessors Site Visit, Madura, October 18-20, 2019
Asosiasi Pengelolaan Rajungan Indonesia (APRI)/Indonesian Blue Swimming Crab Association as an organization which is focusing on the sustainability of blue swimming crab fisheries always developing the programs to realize it. In this time, APRI try to get the Marine Stewardship
Read MoreAsia Pacific FIP Community of Practice Workshop, Bali, October 15-17, 2019
APRI was develop the Fisheries Improvement Program (FIP) since 2007 until now. APRI FIP covers various aspects, including the traceability system, stock assessment and enhancement, co-management, modified trap, enforcement and compliance, and empowerment. Fisheries Improvement Program itself is a series of
Read MoreSocialization and Installation of Vessel Tracking System (VTS) TREKFish in Pamandati, October 6, 2019
Without ignoring the role of other supply chains, APRI realize that in the blue swimming crab industry the lowest supply chain play a big role in the sustainability of the resources. Various program have been carried out in this supply
Read MoreMonitoring of FIP in Madura, Restocking, and Handover the Crab Box/Crab Apartment, Madura, September 20-21, 2019
Fisheries and marine reources is one of the natural resources that play a big role in the people’s lives. Indonesia as archipelago country that the 2/3 area is a water has potential in fisheries and marine resources. One of the
Read MoreAudience between APRI and BRPL, Bogor, September 20, 2019
APRI always develop the data collection and analysis for blue swimming crab fisheries so that the data obtained and the results from analysis can be better. APRI realize that APRI need a partner about the data collection and analysis. In
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