Government Decree on MSY, TAC and Exploitation Status in Indonesian Fishery Management Region
The decree about ‘estimasi potensi’ (Maximum Sustainable Yield, MSY), “Jumlah Tangkapan yang Diperbolehkan” (JTB, maximum allowable catch), and exploitation status for each WPP (fishery management region). The decree illustrates perceptions of the government of Indonesia (GOI) on current status. The MSY
Read MoreNon-Target Species (NTS) Assessment Report 2016
APRI has conducted non-target species (NTS) assessment in 2016. Location for research Non Target Species Assessment is located in Rembang, Lancang Island (Seribu Island, Jakarta), and Madura. The assessment was conducted in 20 days every location by reaching 200 boat every gear per
Read MoreGear Exchange Program
The Indonesian government has introduced new regulations governing in 2015 the banning mini-trawl gear. Therefore, many fishermen now are in transition to change their fishing gear. SFP is supporting APRI to carry out gear exchange program from gillnets to collapsible
Read MoreControl Document Trials in Three Supply Chains
The Indonesian government has introduced new regulations governing the minimum landing size of blue swimming crab, banning landing berried females, and banning mini-trawl gear. If these regulations are complied with, then the best available modeling indicates typical BSC stocks will rebuild,
Read MoreAPRI FIP rated B “Good Progress” by SFP
The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) is making a new, first-of-its-kind evaluation tool and grading system for fishery improvement projects (FIPs) that will allow the seafood industry and other stakeholders to assess the effectiveness of these initiatives. By July 2016, APRI FIP
Read MoreAPRI visit to Seafood Expo North America 2016
Executive Director of APRI, Dr. Hawis Madduppa went to Boston on 6th to 8th March 2016 to attend Seafood Expo North America (SENA) 2016. The visit was related to Indonesian as a participant in SENA 2016. The suppliers from around
Read MoreI-Fish Working Group Discussion
On Wednesday, March 30th 2016, Yayasan Masyarakat dan Perikanan Indonesia (MDPI) was held I-Fish Working Group Discussion. The discussion was held in Hotel Santika Bogor and followed by Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), and
Read MoreRisk Based Framework Assessment in Kendari
The Risk-Based Framework (RBF) was developed to make Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification programme more widely accessible to all types of fisheries. Previous to the development of the RBF, fisheries needed substantial quantitative data to be assessed against the MSC
Read MoreLogbook and UVI Training
Building upon the successful creation of the multi-stakeholder DMC and successful implementation of data collection in mini-plants, IMACS engaged APRI to expand the availability of fishery data via self reporting by stakeholders, as a first step towards establishing auditable control
Read MoreAPRI and SFP Control Document System
Since early 2015, APRI and SFP have been crafting and trialing a Control Document (CD) system. In order to strengthen compliance among producers and facilitate the supply chain’s accountability, traceability and verification; SFP has recommended the adoption of Control Documents
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