The Meeting to Develop the Understanding and Application of the Rules in Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Management in Central Java Province, Semarang, Oktober 3, 2018
Fisheries Improvement Program which is implemented by Indonesian Blue Swimming Crab Association/Asosiasi Pengelolaan Rajungan Indonesia (APRI) covers all of Indonesian water with objectives: Change the catch practices which is not environmental friendly, support policies about management of blue swimming crab
Read MoreAPRI Sharing Information regarding Sustainable BSC Fishing in Indonesia at the IKKAN Meeting, Jakarta May 3 2018
Dr. Hawis Madduppa as APRI Executive Director attended a meeting held by IKKAN (Nusantara Marine and Fisheries Sustainability Initiative) in Jakarta on May 3, 2018. At this meeting various multi stakeholders from various fisheries in Indonesia were invited. In this activity
Read MoreAPRI share about the world of BSC fisheries to college students
APRI share about the world of Blue Swimming Crab (local name Rajungan) Fisheries to college students of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and Diponegoro University. This event was held on Sunday March 25, 2018 in Department of Marine Science and Technology,
Read MoreAPRI at the MSC Capacity Building Training
In connection with the increasing Fisheries Improvement Project (FIP) that has been done by several stakeholders in Indonesia, various efforts have been made for the success of this activity. One of the efforts is to conduct MSC Capacity Building Training.
Read MoreAPRI Reports Indonesian Fisheries Improvement Program at the NFI Annual Meeting and SENA 2018
APRI attended the largest seafood trade event in North America, which is now known as The Seafood Marketplace for North America/Seafood Processing North America/Seafood Expo North America for year 2018. This event was held on 11-12 March 2018 at Boston Convention
Read MoreAPRI Executive Director was invited in the annual MSG meeting in Monterey Bay Aquarium, California
Dr. Hawis Madduppa as APRI Executive Director was invited to participate in the annual MSG meeting in California USA. This event was held on November 13-14th , 2017 in Monterey, California USA. This invitation hosted by Seafood Watch to participate
Read MoreAPRI Attended The 2nd Meeting for Swimmer Crab Fishery Improvement Project Managers
The National Fisheries Institute Crab Council and Seafood Watch invited Dr. Hawis Madduppa as APRI Excecutive Director to the 2nd Meeting for Swimmer Crab Fishery Improvement Project Managers. This activity held at the Grande Centre Point Ploenchit in Bangkok, Thailand
Read MoreAPRI Supports Fishing Gear Workshop for Blue Swimming Crab in Jepara
APRI attended invitation from Jepara Fisheries Department on event Training of Trap Making for Blue Swimming Crab 2017. This event was held on 2-4 May 2017 in Jepara, Central Java. This event was opened by head of Jepara Fisheries Department,
Read MoreAPRI Reports Indonesian FIP at the NFI Annual Meeting and SENA
APRI attended the largest seafood trade event in North America, which is now known as The Seafood Marketplace for North America/Seafood Processing North America/Seafood Expo North America (Hastag #SENA17). This event was held on 19-21 March 2017 at Boston Convention and
Read MoreStock Assessment Report 2016
Data describing the status of the blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) fishery was collected from three important sites including Jakarta, Rembang, and Pamekasan-.‐Madura in Java Sea (WPP 712) in 2016 by the Center for Fisheries Research and Development Ministry of Marine Affairs and
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