Asosisasi Pengelolaan Rajungan Indonesia as APRI supported by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) trying to help fishermen through the Community Fisheries Stewardship project, since July 2020.
Dr Hawis Madduppa, who is also the Executive Director of APRI, explained that the Community Fisheries Stewardship project involves a group of fishermen selected by APRI, where the selected fishing group is the Berkah Capit Biru Joint Business Group (KUB), which is located in Pagagan Village, Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency, Madura, East Java.
Through this project, KUB Berkah Capit Biru initiated to create a fisherman shop which is managed independently by a group called “Capit Biru Fisherman Shop”. From the fishermen’s, this shop makes it easy for fishermen to get their needs for fishing, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Through this project, KUB Berkah Capit Biru initiated to create a fisherman shop which is managed independently by a group called “Capit Biru Fisherman Shop”. From the fishermen’s side in general, this shop makes it easy for fishermen to get their needs for fishing, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Capit Biru fisherman shop, which has been completed and has started operating, has started to help local fishermen as evidenced by the constant sale of several goods, especially diesel and bait.
The presence of this fishermen shop is expected to continue to provide benefits to the surrounding community in providing materials for fishing purposes and also as an alternative income for KUB Berkah Capit Biru to support their livelihoods, especially in this pandemic.
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