Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Management Committee Meeting in Southeast Sulawesi, Kendari, December 18, 2018
by adminapri January 7, 2019 0 commentsBlue swiming crab fisheries management need to be done collaboratively by involving every stakeholder such as central and local government, fishermen, industry, and NGO. As an follow-up to blue swimming crab fisheries management, the government has set the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister Decree No. 70/Kepmen-KP/2016 about Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Management Plan in Fisheries Mangement Area of Republic of Indonesia (WPP NRI) and Ministerial Regulation No. 56 Year 2016 about the Prohibition on Catch and Expenditure of Lobster (Panulirus spp.), Crabs (Scylla spp.), and Blue Swimming Crab (Portunus spp.) from the Area of Republic of Indonesia. Southeast Sulawesi has a Governor’s Decree No. 289 Year 2017 about the Formation of blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Management Committee in Southeast Sulawesi as a follow-up to the decree and regulation.
As an action to implement the Governor’s Decree, the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Agency of Southeast Sulawesi in collaboration with APRI orgaize the Meeting of Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Management Committee in Southeast Sulawesi on December 18, 2018 in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. This activity also invites various stakeholder of blue swimming crab fisheries including the government across-sector, university, fish processor unit, NGO, miniplant, and supplier. The statements from Head of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Agency of Southeast Sulawesi has opened the activity and continued by Mr. Bambang A. Nugraha as APRI Secretary. In this meeting, several stakeholder deliver a material such as the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Agency of Southeast Sulawesi about the Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Management in Southeast Sulawesi Province, the
representative of Head of SubDit. LPTPK-Dit. PSDI about the Development of National Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Management Plan Implementation, and Dr. Hawis Madduppa as APRI Executive Director about the Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Improvement Program in Indonesia. There was also discussion about the action plan involve fish resources and habitat, socio-economic, and governance topic that moderated by Dr. Hawis Madduppa. In this session, participants divided into three groups in accordance with the topics and in the end of discussion the representative or the groups convey the discussion results.
This activity closed by the Head of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Agency of Southeast Sulawesi. And the output that expected from this activity are the agreement of blue swimming crab fisheries management priority program in Southeast Sulawesi Province ehich can be carried out as expected, and the formation and functioning of the task force/workgroup to accelerate the implementation of priority program.
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