Posts From adminapri
I-Fish Logbook inception meeting
The inception meeting was conducted in Fisheries and Marine Affairs Agency Southeast Sulawesi Province on 2 May 2015. The meeting was attended by many stakeholders in SE Sulawesi, including local government, mini-plants, fishermen, universities, and DMC members. The meeting is
Read MoreAPRI wins IMACS-USAID grant for Rajungan FIP
APRI wins a grant for Blue Swimming Crab Fishery Improvement Project in Southeast Sulawesi for year 2015 from Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Indonesia Marine and Climate Support Project (IMACS). Chemonics, the Buyer, acting on behalf of the
Read MoreAPRI-SFP control document trial in Indonesia
The BSC fisheries extend over much of Indonesia’s coastline and government capacity to enforce the new regulations is limited. APRI and SFP (Sustainbale Fisheries Partnership) are conducting control document trial in Madura, Gresik, Betahwalang, Kudus, and Kendari (Pamandati) from 10
Read MoreMinisterial Decree on BSC control rules dissemination in Jakarta, Rembang, and Jepara
The Indonesian government has introduced new regulations governing the minimum landing size of blue swimming crab, banning landing berried females, and banning mini-trawl gear. In April 9, 2015, Balai Besar Penangkapan Ikan (BBPI) is conducting an event to socialize Ministerial
Read MoreAPRI participates at Boston Seafood Show
APRI members are participating at the International Boston Seafood Show in Boston from 15-17 March 2015. They are Blue Star Foods, Phillips Foods, Kelola Mina Laut, Mutiara Laut Abadi, Pan Putra Samudera, Bumi Menara Industri, Handy, Prima Cakrawala Abadi ,
Read MoreAPRI gives talk at NFI Crab Council meeting
APRI representatives, Ir. Bambang Arif Nugraha (APRI Board Secretary) and Dr Hawis Madduppa (Executive Director), present the progress of FIP in Indonesia during the National Fisheries Institute Crab Council meeting at the Westin Hotel, Boston, United States of America (15/03/2015).
Read MoreAPRI supports implementation strategy of BSC regulation
Directorate of Fisheries Resources, Directorate General of Capture Fisheries Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia is conducting a meeting on 9 March 2015 for discussing the implementation on Ministry Decree No 01/PERMEN-KP/2015 on catch of Lobster, Mud
Read MoreThe US Ambassador visits Rajungan landing site in Betahwalang
Betahwalang is one of pilot fisheries improvement project sites for Blue Swimming Crab of Asosiasi Pengelolaan Rajungan Indonesia (APRI) in Indonesia. In May 2013 an agreement was achieved between the Indonesian Association of Blue Swimming Crab Processors (APRI) and the
Read MoreDMC approve BSC fishery workplan in Kendari
The Data Management Committee (DMC) Kendari was held at the Agency for Fisheries and Marine Affairs (DKP) Southeast Sulawesi Province on 6 March 2015. The meeting was attended by DMC members including industry and local government. The progress of the
Read MorePT SJA Lampung hosted Dr Michael De Alessi
APRI is the organization to formulate guidelines for environmentally-friendly fishing and constructing other initiatives to ensure sustainability of health and balance in the wild crab populations and management of crab industry in Indonesia itself in a balanced manner. APRI and
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