Posts From adminapri
First BSC Regional FIP Conference
The first Regional Asian Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Improvement Project (FIP) Conference was conducted in Bangkok Thailand on November 17 -18, 2015. The conference was organized by The National Fisheries Institute (NFI) and 50in10 along with support from the Monterey
Read MoreBSC Aquaculture Training
The goal of Ministerial Decree no 1/2015 including stock recovery for crab, lobster and blue swimming crab, habitat rehabilitation, and increase local income. Strategical and prevention steps taken by the government are Socialization Improvement of crabs and crab seed production
Read MoreFIP training workshop
Training workshop on Fisheries Improvement Project was conducted in Bali on 28-29 September 2015, and was designed to increase the capacity of local stakeholders from industry, government, academia and non-government organizations to more effectively engage in FIPs. Wokshop was carried
Read MoreMMAF and APRI agree to implement Control Document
APRI held a third quarterly meeting in Surabaya on 3-4 September 2015. The meeting was attended by all 14 APRI members, the government competent from ministry of marine affairs and fisheries, and NGO. Blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) as one
Read MoreBSC Pilot Project Site Selection Design
APRI with more than 30 national and international stakeholders in Blue Swimming Crab were get together in a workshop held by MMAF’s Directorate of Fish Resources (Sumber Daya Ikan), with support from Starling Resources on 18 August 2015 in Jakarta.
Read MoreZero tax for Indonesian Blue Swimming Crab
With the fishing restrictions imposed by the government, Indonesia is unlikely be able to fully benefit from the tariff reduction provided by the United States under its generalized system of preference (GSP), businessmen said. The tariff dropped down to zero
Read MoreRisk Based Framework Assessment in Kendari
The Risk-Based Framework (RBF) was developed to make Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification programme more widely accessible to all types of fisheries. Previous to the development of the RBF, fisheries needed substantial quantitative data to be assessed against the MSC
Read MoreLogbook and UVI Training
Building upon the successful creation of the multi-stakeholder DMC and successful implementation of data collection in mini-plants, IMACS engaged APRI to expand the availability of fishery data via self reporting by stakeholders, as a first step towards establishing auditable control
Read MoreAPRI and SFP Control Document System
Since early 2015, APRI and SFP have been crafting and trialing a Control Document (CD) system. In order to strengthen compliance among producers and facilitate the supply chain’s accountability, traceability and verification; SFP has recommended the adoption of Control Documents
Read MoreIndonesian vice president restocks Rajungan in Takalar
Blue swimming crab juveniles are released by the Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK), accompanied by Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners the Financial Services Authority (FSA) Darmansyah Hadad, Chairman of Kadin
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