Posts From adminapri
APRI Reports Indonesian FIP at the NFI Annual Meeting and SENA
APRI attended the largest seafood trade event in North America, which is now known as The Seafood Marketplace for North America/Seafood Processing North America/Seafood Expo North America (Hastag #SENA17). This event was held on 19-21 March 2017 at Boston Convention and
Read MoreInitiation of Collaborative Establishment BSC Management Committee in Southeast Sulawesi
In the framework of sustainability management of Blue Swimming Crab in Southeast Sulawesi, Marine and Fisheries Agency of Southeast Sulawesi (DKP Kendari) held a meeting to discusses the development and follow up management action plan for BSC Sustainability in Southeast Sulawesi
Read MoreInitiative Meeting Action Plan for BSC Management in Lampung
In the framework of the action plan management, APRI and Ministry of Marine and Fisheries (KKP) held a meeting on February 14, 2017 in Bogor, West Java. This event was attended by Dr. Hawis Madduppa as APRI’s Executive Director and
Read MoreInitiation of Collaborative Establishment BSC Management Committee in Central Java
In the framework of sustainability management of Blue Swimming Crab in Central Java Province, Marine and Fisheries Agency of Central Java Province (DKP Jawa Tengah) held a meeting to discusses the development and Follow-up Management Action Plans for BSC Sustainability
Read MorePhase II Workshop of Initiatives Sustainable BSC Management
In order to continue the discussion about CARE (Comprehensive Assessment of Risk to Ecosystem) and PSA (Productivity Susceptibility Analysis) before, the Directorate Management of Fish Resources, Ministry of Marine and Fisheries (KKP) collaborated with Yayasan Bina Usaha Lingkungan (YBUL) and
Read MoreIndonesia issued BSC Fishery Management Plan
The Government of Indonesia has issued a decree on Blue Swimming Crab fishery management plan, SK MKP No. 70/KEPMEN-KP/2016. The FMP on BSC in WPPNRI (Indonesian fishery management region) is intended to support resource management policies Rajungan in Indonesian region
Read MoreStock Assessment Report 2016
Data describing the status of the blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) fishery was collected from three important sites including Jakarta, Rembang, and Pamekasan-.‐Madura in Java Sea (WPP 712) in 2016 by the Center for Fisheries Research and Development Ministry of Marine Affairs and
Read MoreLimited Discussion To Identify and Build Collection System, Management and Data Analysis Stock for Fish Resources (SDI) in WPP NRI
Sustainable Ecosystem Advance (SEA) is one program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Indonesia. One of the activities carried out SEA in 2017 is strengthening the management of marine ecosystems in a sustainable manner in WPP
Read MoreGovernment Decree on MSY, TAC and Exploitation Status in Indonesian Fishery Management Region
The decree about ‘estimasi potensi’ (Maximum Sustainable Yield, MSY), “Jumlah Tangkapan yang Diperbolehkan” (JTB, maximum allowable catch), and exploitation status for each WPP (fishery management region). The decree illustrates perceptions of the government of Indonesia (GOI) on current status. The MSY
Read MoreFGD on mini plant certification and government regulation in Lampung
In order to encourage the initiation of Sustainable BSC Fisheries Management, then the Fish Processing Unit (UPI) Lampung hold meetings on the revision of FGD invitation. This event was held on 23 December 2016 in Bandar Lampung. This activity is
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