Posts From adminapri
Monitoring of FIP in Madura, Restocking, and Handover the Crab Box/Crab Apartment, Madura, September 20-21, 2019
Fisheries and marine reources is one of the natural resources that play a big role in the people’s lives. Indonesia as archipelago country that the 2/3 area is a water has potential in fisheries and marine resources. One of the
Read MoreAudience between APRI and BRPL, Bogor, September 20, 2019
APRI always develop the data collection and analysis for blue swimming crab fisheries so that the data obtained and the results from analysis can be better. APRI realize that APRI need a partner about the data collection and analysis. In
Read MoreDiscussion of the Progress of Vessel Tracking System (VTS) TREKFish, Bogor, September 19, 2019
On the August 20-21, 2019, APRI has been installed the Vessel Tracking System (VTS) TREKFish on the several fishermen boats in Rembang and Pamekasan. TREKFish that was installed, directly working and recording after the installations. To follow up the results
Read MoreCirebon and Indramayu Visit, September 11-13, 2019
West Java Province through the Head of the Agency of marine Affairs and Fisheries Decree No. 415/Kep.800/DKP form a management team for blue swimming crab fisheries namely the Sustainable Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Management Preparation Team. This team involving various
Read MoreWorld Seafood Congress 2019 Penang, Malaysia, September 9-11, 2019
World Seafood Congress is a congress that brings together seafood activists including the seafood processors, seafood equipment providers, fisheries and marine institutions, non-government organizations, etc. For the 2019, Penang, Malaysia was choosen to be the host of World Seafood Congress.
Read MoreFSPCA PCQI Training Stage II, Jakarta, August 29-31, 2019
The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was signed into law in 2011. The goal is to make the food supply in the USA is safe by shifting the focus of federal regulators from responding to contamination to prevention. By September
Read MoreMuara Gembong Scoping Visit, Bekasi, August 28, 2019
The management of blue swimming crab need to be done together with every stakeholders. To realizing the action for managing the blue swimming crab fisheries that including all of stakeholders, it is need to form a team that able to
Read MoreAPRI Attending the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Signing between MMAF and MSC, Jakarta, August 27, 2019
The sustainabity of marine and fisheries realized by every stakeholders in Indonesia. Various programs have been carried out for it, from government, association such as APRI, university, industry, NGO, and others. It is for one objective, the sustainability. Marine and
Read MoreVessel Tracking System (VTS) Installations in Rembang and Pamekasan, August 20-21, 2019
APRI always try to develop the management of blue swimming crab fisheries in Indonesia. Since the established of APRI, APRI started the Fisheries Improvement Program (FIP) which is continue to run until now. Through the FIP, APRI has been develop
Read MoreFGD Development of Sustainable Marine and Fisheries in Central Java Province, Semarang, August 9-10, 2019
Indonesia is the archipelago country with the number of islands reaching 17 thousands. Indonesia area dominated by waters with covers 2/3 of the area and has long coastline. Based on it, Indonesia has the potential natural resources, especially marine and
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