Posts From adminapri
Discussion on the draft of the crab fishery management plan (RPP) at WPPNRI
On 17-18 February, APRI participated in the discussion on the draft of the crab fishery management plan (RPP) at WPPNRI. Dr. Ayu Ervinia and Azhar Slamet as representatives of APRI attended the meeting to discuss this draft in Bogor and
Read MoreStakeholder Meeting related to Crab Fisheries Data Collection in Demak
February 16, 2022, Follow-up activities related to the FGD of swimming crab data collection in Demak Regency, APRI also attended a stakeholder meeting related to data collection on crab fisheries in Demak Regency. Through Zulfikar as APRI representative who was
Read MoreDiscussion Meeting on Export-Import of Indonesian and Tunisian Fishery Products
Bogor, 11 February 2022. APRI attended the discussion on the export and import of fishery products, one of which was crab. This activity is also an effort to strengthen the competitiveness of Indonesian fishery products. Portunus pelagicus or better known
Read MoreEffectiveness of Data Collection on Blue Swimming Crab in Demak, Central Java
February 11, 2022, APRI Attends a Focus Group Discussion Meeting (FGD) on the Effectiveness of Data Collection on crab fisheries in Demak, Central Java. The importance of data collection for sustainable fisheries management is very important. APRI will continue to
Read MoreMSC MONEV: APRI As Partners For Implementing MSC Indonesia
For two days APRI participated in the MonEv MSC Indonesia activities from the MMAF and the TPOA Team. The activity began with a meeting with fisheries management stakeholders at the East Java Marine and Fisheries Service. This activity is to
Read MoreTrial Training to Enlargement Blue Swimming Crab in Pamekasan
East Java is the province with the highest national fisheries commodity exports in 2021 with a volume of 348,003,003 kg and an export value of 1,781,874,909 USD (Directorate General of PDSPKP 2021), Rajungan ranks third in the leading fishery commodities
Read MoreAPRI-MSC-East Java Marine and Fisheries Bureau (DKP) collaboration for sustainable crab fisheries in East Java
The potential for crab fisheries which is the leading export commodity in the third position makes crab a source of Indonesia’s economic strength, East Java is one of the provinces with the highest exports for this crab commodity. The potential
Read MoreAPRI Attend Discussion Meeting with DJPT-KKP
Wednesday, January 19, 2022, through online and offline APRI was also present in the discussion of cooperation. This activity also discusses measurable fisheries programs and advanced fishing village programs. On this occasion, partners were asked to explain related and integrated
Read MoreCoordination Meeting Regarding Selectivity of Crab Fishing Equipment with BBPI Semarang
coordination meeting on Saturday, December 18, 2021 through online and offline with Ir. Zarochman M.Pi (BBPI Semarang). In catching crabs, it is necessary to determine the technology for catching crabs that is responsible for producing quality crab production and caught
Read MoreAPRI Attends Stakeholder Meeting for Crab Fisheries Data Collection in Demak
Data collection is quite important in the basis of determining steps or programs so that they can run effectively and efficiently. Following up on previous programs, The visit and coordination of crab management in Demak Regency will be held on
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