Posts From adminapri
Ramadhan Blessing Month with APRI in Madura
Sunday, April 17, 2022, together with the Karang Taruna Tunas in Polagan Village, Madura held the “Ramadan Cottage and Donations to Orphans”. This activity aims to create a spirit of worship and sharing in the Holy Month of Ramadan 1443
Read MoreAPRI Holds First Quarterly Meeting and Enjoys Iftar Together
April 17, 2022, APRI carried out the “APRI 1st Quarterly Meeting and Enjoys Iftar Together” activity, a routine activity carried out by APRI every quarter of the year and was successfully carried out online and offline. The offline activities were
Read MoreAPRI Attends NFI Crab Council Annual Meeting in Boston, United States
13-15 March 2022, Mr. Wita Setioko as APRI representative attended the NFI Crab Council Annual Meeting and had the opportunity to attend the Seafood Expo in Boston, namely “Seafood Expo North America 2022 (SENA)”. The crab commodity is one of
Read MoreWelcome Ramadan from Fisherman in Pemalang
Fisherman Tradition in Pemalang at the beginning of Ramadan. Pemalang is one of the areas located in the province of Central Java, with an area of about 1,118.03 km2. The area which is known for its typical food from Grombyang
Read MoreMeet Future Fishermen from Pamekasan
Pamekasan is one of the districts in Madura with the potential for crab fisheries, located in the FMA 712 Pamekasan area where the MSC assessment area is located. APRI has also started to collect data through enumerators in the Pamekasan
Read MoreAlternative bait for catching blue swimming crabs
Unpredictable natural conditions, especially in marine conditions in Indonesia, have resulted in very low crab catches in the last 2 years. This condition makes fishermen have to cover their operational costs at sea, in addition to fuel and fishing gear,
Read MoreAnnual Traditional Events in Pati: Fishermen’s hope Catch Increase
The island of Java is known for its Javanese customs which are still thick in the community. Many traditional activities are carried out on the people of the island of Java from the east to the west, including sea alms/
Read MoreAPRI – PUSRISKAN MMAF : Discussion Regarding the Proposed Cooperation
Tuesday, March 8, 2022. This activity is a follow-up activity after the APRI, BRSDM, PUSRISKAN, and BRPL meetings in Jakarta in December. This activity discussed the cooperation between APRI and PUSRISKAN regarding the technical blue swimming crab seminar. Bambang Arif
Read MoreDJPT: Catch Fisheries Stakeholders Data 2021
Thursday, February 24, 2022. Dr. Hawis Madduppa as the Executive Director of APRI explained related to the data collection on crab fisheries conducted by APRI. “One of APRI’s focuses is data collection where APRI has routinely conducted data collection since
Read MoreDiscussion of the National Fish Traceability and Logistics System (STELINA) on Blue Swimming Crab
APRI is ready to collaborate in STELINA as a “Traceability System” for crab fisheries in Indonesia. APRI strongly supports matters related to traceability in accordance with APRI’s tagline, namely Sustainable & Traceable. Dr. Hawis Maddupa as the Executive Director of
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