Posts From adminapri
Field Visit: Discussion with Fishermen in Gedongmulyo Village, Rembang, Central Java
Wednesday, August 31, 2022. APRI visited one of APRI’s FIP pilot project locations in Gedongmulyo village, Rembang. This activity was attended by the KKP Fisheries Extension and several fishermen from KUB Samudera Jaya Empat and KUB Samudera Jaya Lima, while
Read MoreDiscussion between APRI and BRIN in Semarang, Central Java
Wednesday, August 31, 2022. APRI visited Semarang to meet with Mr. Ir. Zarochman M.Pi from BRIN accompanied by Mr. Ir. Suparman in a discussion related to innovation and technological renewal for the sustainability of crab fisheries in Indonesia. This activity
Read MoreKeboromo Village Introduces Blue Swimming Crab to the People of Pati Regency
In order to celebrate the 77th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia’s Independence Day, Fishermen in Keboromo Village held the highlight of the Indonesian Independence Day event with “Eating 1500 Blue Swimming Crabs for Free”. This activity is quite unique
Read MoreWebinar “Strengthening Blue Swimming Crab Trade in Indonesia”
Tuesday, August 30, 2022. The activity, which was held by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University, presented several resource persons, namely Mrs. Ir. Artati Widiarti, M.A, Dr. Ir. Zairion, M.Sc, Ir. Kuncoro Catur Nugroho M.M, Prof. Dra.
Read MoreAPRI Attends National Coordination Meeting for the FORKOM NELANGSA in Semarang
25-26 August 2022. APRI attended this event in person in Semarang. This activity discusses several topics related to crab fisheries, especially in Central Java. Mr. Bagus Satria as the general FIP Manager of APRI was also present at the coordination
Read MoreMeeting Evaluation and Renewal of Governor’s Decree No. 523/93 of 2017 Central Java Province
Tuesday, August 23, 2022. APRI also attended an online activity at the Marine and Fisheries Service of Central Java, this activity discussed the conditions and challenges to the management of crab fisheries. At this activity, the Head of the Provincial
Read MoreMeeting of Fisheries Management Institutions for Fisheries Management Areas of the Republic of Indonesia (MMFA) 714
18-20 August 2022. APRI through Mr. Ir. Bambang Arif Nugraha via online and Muh. APRI enumerator Wellis directly attended the meeting which was held through the Kendari Ocean Fishery Port as the executive coordinator of WPPNRI 714 along with all
Read MoreIndustrial Aspect FGD Activities with Business Actors and Associations
Friday, August 19, 2022. APRI participated in activities carried out by the Ministry of BKPM related to the preparation of a roadmap for the downstream strategic investment. Through Ir. Bambang Arif Nugraha and Dr. Ayu Ervinia as APRI representative conveyed
Read MoreAPRI – Politeknik KP Sidoarjo : Collaboration for the Development of Innovation and Technology in BSC Fisheries.
APRI’s synergy with Politeknik KP Sidoarjo (APS) for the Development of Innovation and Technology for Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries. Thursday, August 11, 2022. APRI has visited the POLITEKNIK KP Sidoarjo to follow up on the collaborative program with academics to
Read MoreEast Java Data Management Committee Meeting
Meeting of the Crab Fisheries Data Management Committee of East Java Province Saturday, July 29, 2022. East Java is one of the provinces that has the potential for marine fisheries both from cultivation and capture fisheries, one of which is
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