Audience between APRI and BRPL, Bogor, September 20, 2019
by adminapri September 23, 2019 0 commentsAPRI always develop the data collection and analysis for blue swimming crab fisheries so that the data obtained and the results from analysis can be better. APRI realize that APRI need a partner about the data collection and analysis. In order to make better data collection and analysis, APRI done the audience with Marine Fisheries Research Center/Balai Riset Perikanan Laut (BRPL). The main agenda for the audience is to discuss about the data collection and analysis, and also as a preparation for collaboration.
The audience held on September 20, 2019 at the office of BRPL. In this activity, APRI represented by Dr. Hawis Madduppa as Executive Director deliver the introduction and also the APRI Fisheries Improvement Program (FIP), APRI programs, MSC Certification progress, and stock assessment. In this audience, also discussing the programs that will be collaborated and the data that will be synergized.
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