APRI – PUSRISKAN MMAF : Discussion Regarding the Proposed Cooperation
by adminapri March 15, 2022 0 commentsTuesday, March 8, 2022. This activity is a follow-up activity after the APRI, BRSDM, PUSRISKAN, and BRPL meetings in Jakarta in December. This activity discussed the cooperation between APRI and PUSRISKAN regarding the technical blue swimming crab seminar.
Bambang Arif Nugraha as General Manager of APRI explained APRI’s programs in 2021 and the activities that will be carried out by APRI in 2022. The results of this presentation can also be a proposal for APRI and BRSDM cooperation programs.
From the description of APRI’s programs in improving crab fisheries in Indonesia, later it can be developed related to the proposed work program with MMAF.
Mrs. Yayan Hikmayani, S.Pi., M.Sc. as the head of the Fisheries Research Agency (BRSDM) stated that the collaboration program with APRI was to be able to direct the process of catching into aquaculture. Meanwhile, for collaborative programs related to research, it is hoped that they can collaborate with BRIN Indonesia
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