APRI-MSC-East Java Marine and Fisheries Bureau (DKP) collaboration for sustainable crab fisheries in East Java
by adminapri January 30, 2022 0 commentsThe potential for crab fisheries which is the leading export commodity in the third position makes crab a source of Indonesia’s economic strength, East Java is one of the provinces with the highest exports for this crab commodity. The potential of these crabs needs to be managed properly so that sustainability can be created both from the aspect of resources and business. The management of crabs in Indonesia needs to involve various parties in order to create better management. Commitment to the sustainable management of crab fisheries continues to have campaigned.
Thursday, January 20, 2022. APRI Board visited the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Prov. East Java and discussed with the head of the Department of Marine and Fisheries of East Java Province, Mrs. Dr. Ir. Dyah Wahyu Ermawati, MA and his staff. This activity was also attended by the Director of MSC Indonesia. Hirmen Syofyanto also explained the importance of sustainable or sustainable fisheries needs both from the business line and nature.
The Executive Director of APRI Dr. Hawis Madduppa explained the purpose of APRI and the FIP (Fishery Improvement Project) of Crab, East Java, which is located at the WPP NRI 712 location, received special attention by APRI to create the sustainability of the crab fishery. to APRI, MSC, and the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of East Java and program integration into the central program of the MMFA.
This collaboration between APRI, MSC, and DKP East Java is a form of East Java DKP’s commitment to managing crab fisheries in East Java and making East Java a pilot location for sustainable fisheries management in other areas. These programs range from stock control, conservation, harvest strategy (HS), selectivity of fishing gear, ghost fishing, by-catch handling, risk assessment, strengthening joint management and development of compliance documents, and data collection of Small PAS for small crab fishermen. In addition, what is now the concern is MMPA where marine mammals are caught in the process of catching crabs. The hope is that this year we will have more selective and environmentally friendly fishing gear. The APRI data collection process continues to be carried out by the enumerators who will then collect the data in the APRI Data Center.
This APRI Data Center can later be used by the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of East Java to integrate catch data in the crab fishery, Mrs. Dr. Ir. Dyah Wahyu Ermawati, MA in the discussion said that he strongly supports the existence of international ecolabel certified crab fisheries management. Mr. Hirmen as Director of MSC also said that the programs carried out by APRI in supporting international ecolabel certification such as the very strict MSC were already in the In-Transition to MSC stage, East Java Province has the potential for crab fisheries which is quite strategic due to its natural resources and industrial sector.
Dr. Hawis Madduppa added that the certification of the crab fishery in East Java will also continue not only after we get the certification and the management stops, but even with getting the MSC ecolabel certification, it must continue to be managed and developed so that later the programs that have been successfully implemented can be implemented. applied to other areas in sustainable and measurable fisheries efforts.
This activity was attended by Dr. Ir. Dyah Wahyu Ermawati, MA (Kadis KP), Mr. Alan Wahyu Putra, SSTP. MM, Ir. Nurwahidah, M.AP (Head of P3KP), Mrs. Wahyuni Lestari (Head of SDI Bid. Capture), as well as the APRI Board and Director of MSC Indonesia Hirmen Syofyanto.
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