Blue swimming crab fisheries is a fisheries that involving various stakeholders and supply chains. Involvement of many of these stakeholders and supply chains need a good management where every parties have their respective responsibilities and collaborated each others to make sustainable and better blue swimming crab fisheries. APRI as an organization that focuses on blue swimming crab fisheries and involving blue swimming crab industry, was done various activities and programs to maintain and improving the blue swimming crab fisheries. APRI realized that the activities and programs must be updated and informed to the members of APRI and realized the necessity of the improvement of member’s knowledge.
APRI has a quarterly meeting to facilitated those reasons and as a facility for every subjects in APRI to change ideas and discuss. In 2019, APRI was organized the first quarterly meeting which was attended by the representatives of every members of APRI where the first quarterly meeting held on April 6, 2019 in Akmani Hotel, Jakarta. In this quarterly meeting, there was several agendas including the information update of Fisheries Improvement Program (FIP), information from NFI Crab Council, and there was workshop with the theme namely “Thermal Process Validation in Blue Swimming Crab Pasteurization Industry as a Fullfilment of United States Food and Drugs Administration Compliance” by Prof. Purwiyatno Hariyadi from IPB University.
This quarterly meeting was opened by Kuncoro C. Nugroho as Chairman of APRI and continued by Prof. Purwiyatno Hariyadi to provide material regarding the validation on thermal process in the blue swimming crab pasteurization industry. The workshop goes well and the participants were very enthusiastic that proved by many of questions which were deliveried by the participants. After the workshop was done, there was an information from Dr. Abdul Ghofar as Sustainability Envoy-NFI Crab Council, and then continued by Dr. Hawis Madduppa as Executive Director of APRI who was delivered the information update of Fisheries Improvement Program (FIP) on blue swimming crab fisheries, and there was Adi Nugroho as the Consultant of APRI Apps Development that provides information update about APRI Apps.
In the end of the first quarterly meeting in 2019, we have guests that was Mr. Staurt Green from Walton and Packard Foundation and Dr. Jeremy Prince as the fisheries expert from Australia who is developing the Spawning Potential Ratio (SPR). In every the beginning of the year, the APRI member certificate is renewed and valid for one year. In this first quarterly meeting, the member certificate submitted to the every APRI’s member representatives, and in this opportunity Mr. Stuart Green and Dr. Jeremy Prince also participate in the submission of the member certificates.
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