APRI Ready to Integrate KKP E-Logbook with APRI Landing Report Data

APRI Ready to Integrate KKP E-Logbook with APRI Landing Report Data

by December 15, 2021 0 comments

Saturday, November 13, 2021. Through the Enumerator and CO-Management APRI Refreshment activity, Mr. Syahril Abd Raup, ST, M.Si as a representative of PSDI-KKP conveyed about e-Logbook as an application for reporting catch data digitally to Enumerators and CO -APRI Management.

In reporting activities, catch data is important so that national fisheries management can run effectively. APRI strongly supports the efforts made by PSDI-KKP regarding the use of e-logbooks to support traceable fisheries.

Dr. Hawis Madduppa as the Executive Director of APRI also said that APRI was ready to integrate the landing report data conducted by APRI enumerators with the KKP e-logbook.

In 23 November 2021, APRI Enumerators participated in a training activity on the application and data collection of the KKP e-LogBook in Demak Regency, APRI Enumerators seemed to be simulating, activating and using the e-LogBook application. With this activity, it is hoped that data collection by APRI enumerators can later be integrated with the KKP e-logbook data collection system.

In the previous meeting, Mr. Syahril Abd Raup, S.T, M.Si as the representative of PSDI-KKP revealed that if there was collaboration with APRI, namely the landing site data, the results would make the crab fishery more measurable.

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