
MOU extension with Politeknik KP Sidoarjo for sustainability blue swimming crab

Friday 14 July 2023. An MoU was signed by APRI and Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sidoarjo (Politeknik KP Sidoarjo) regarding a collaboration program to develop sustainable crab fisheries both from an industrial and environmental perspective. This signing was carried out

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Local Governments Pasuruan with POLAIRUD, APRI and PDSKP promote sustainable program and fishing routes

APRI also supports local governments regarding the development of control over fisheries resources and fishing routes, ministerial regulation number 18 of 2021. Friday, June 23, 2023. All representatives of fishermen from various villages in Pasuruan also attended the coaching activity

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APRI participated in measurement small vessel activities by Marine and Fisheries of East Java Bureau and KSOP

Friday, June 23rd 2023. Approximately 290 fishing boats in Lekok Sub-District, Pasuruan Regency which were registered at the opening of the Joint Kesyahbandaran and Port Authority (KSOP) outlets in Pasuruan and have now carried out vessel measurements to meet the

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National FIP Meeting 2023 in Jakarta

Tuesday, 13 June 2023, APRI as the FIP implementer in the crab fishery was also present at the National FIP meeting in 2023 which was organized by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia and

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Roundtable Discussion on Sustainable Seafood Product in Domestic Market by MMAF and MSC

Friday, June 9 2023. APRI also attended the “Roundtable Discussion on Sustainable Seafood Product in Domestic Market” organized by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Indonesia. This activity is discussion about sustainable product in domestic market with inviting all stakeholder who

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Discussion for Sustainable Fisheries with East Java Province Bureau and Local Government

June, 6th 2023. All parties, starting from the Marine and Fisheries East Java Bureau, and local government Pasuruan and the KSOP, to provide convenience in obtaining permits, the Provincial and District Offices have also facilitated good fishermen through approaches to

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APRI Promote Sustainability in the Environment and Industry to UNHAS and UB Students

Through the Activities of Teaching Practitioners of Fisheries Agribusiness Study Program at Hasanuddin University Makassar and Brawijaya University Malang, Mr. Ir. Bambang Arif Nugraha APRI Expert Officer provides material on fisheries agribusiness entrepreneurship, both in terms of commodity selection, production

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APRI Attends Outreach Activities Related to Government Regulation No. 11 of 2023 Regarding Measured Catching of Fish

APRI Attends Outreach Activities Related to Government Regulation No. 11 of 2023 Regarding Fish Traceability Tuesday, May 23 2023. The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries carried out a socialization activity for Government Regulation No. 11 of 2023 concerning Measured

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